My New Year’s Resolution.

Happy Holidays everyone! As I write this, on Christmas Day, I am in a very contemplative mood about the new year. I truly feel that 2023 will hold a lot of promise for me, and for you as well. With that said, in this post, I wish to reflect on my key resolution for the new year.

 My number one resolution is to become more fit and healthy. This would basically involve exercising more, losing weight, and eating more healthily. For those of you who do not know, I am currently a vegan. This does not necessarily mean, however, that all the vegan food I eat is healthy.

 My target weight is around one hundred thirty-five pounds. To achieve this ideal weight, I plan to get more exercise. My preferred form of physical activity is walking. Additionally, once a week I attend a Zumba class with my grandma. I also try to work out at the gym with my parents every Sunday. Additionally, I enjoy walking to the gym, which is about a mile each way, specifically to go in the hot tub.

 As far as diet is concerned, I feel that I need to start consuming more fruits and vegetables. It may be wise for me to stop consuming so much plant-based meat. I also believe that I should consume less carbs, less candy, and less processed food.

 I have found that, whenever I set a goal, it is easiest for me to work gradually toward that goal over time, instead of just leaving it to the last minute and trying to squeeze everything in at once. This is the approach that I took with my Oxy comps paper, which coincidentally is posted on this very website.

 I am fortunate enough to own an Apple Watch, which tells me how many calories I burn each day. I am also lucky enough to have some nice walking shoes and trendy workout clothing. This effectively means that I am all set to go. I just need to muster the determination and moxie to follow through with this plan. Ultimately, I do not truly feel that this will be a problem.

If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.
— Barack Obama

Why You Should Be Careful Driving in the Rain.


Why I Decided to Go Vegan.